News & Articles

School news, events and information from Pei Lei Wushu

All the latest from Pei Lei Wushu Association

Sydney Chin Woo Event in January 2013

Posted on: 21/01/2013

The NSW Chin Woo Athletics Association Inc. has organised a public cultural event, the second Australia 2013 Chinese Wushu Festival, which will be held at Club Burwood RSL (96 Shaftesbury Road, Burwood NSW 2134) on Sunday 27/01/2013 at 2:00 – 5:00 pm. This is also an occasion for welcoming the Chinese New Year, to celebrate the outstanding achievements of the NSW Chin Woo Wushu Team in the 2012 World Chin Woo Championships. Rainbow TV Australia (RTV) will telecast this great event and broadcast around the world through its internet TV channel. Performance programs include traditional lion dance, tai chi, qi-gong and wushu demonstrations.

Tai Chi Workshop for January 2013

Posted on: 16/01/2013

We will be having a Tai Chi Workshop on the 17th (Thursday)-18th (Friday) of January 2013.

The Workshop will run over two evenings at Don Moore Community Centre and will cover 85 Traditional Yang Style Form.

Don Moore Community Centre is located at:
Corner of Farnell Avenue and North Rocks Road

On each of the two evenings the sessions will start at 7:00pm and run until 10:00pm.

This is a great opportunity to study this form in depth and learn the movements of this famous style.

For each person over these two nights the cost will be $150 each.

If you would like to join please email Master Alice at before the 17th of January.

Achievements made at the 5th World Traditional Wushu Championships

Posted on: 01/12/2012

The 5th World Traditional Wushu Championships were staged at Huangshan, China from the November 8th – 10th 2012. The event attracted over 2800 competitors of 245 teams from 55 countries and regions. The Pei Lei Wushu school’s students were among those who attended, with 11 competitors and 3 observers travelling to China from Sydney, Australia. Master Alice Dong accompanied them and was the official team coach for Australia.

Our school’s results were as follows:
4 Gold Medals for individual events
6 Bronze medals for individual events
1 set of Bronze medals for a group event

This was a fantastic experience for everyone to see more of the competitors from all across the world and to gain more confidence in their own Wushu skills. One of our students, Brian Corless, has kindly written his own humorous account of the trip.


5th Traditional Wushu

Success at the 2012 Oceania Championships

Posted on: 16/09/2012

On the 2nd of September we participated in the 2012 Oceania Kung Fu/Wushu Championships with tremendous success from our students. There were nearly 180 competitors from Australia and New Zealand participating in events such as traditional wushu and sanda.

We had 39 students from the Pei Lei Wushu Association who competed in the wushu and tai chi events. In total we accomplished 25 Gold medals, 7 Silver medals and 6 Bronze medals. This is a fantastic achievement and we would like to congratulate all those who competed and thank anyone who came to help and spectate.

Congratulations to Victoria Chang!

Posted on: 01/09/2012

The Pei Lei Wushu Association is proud to announce that Victoria Chang has qualified for the Australian National Junior Wushu Team to represent Australia at the 4th World Junior Wushu Championships, which will be staged in Macau, China from September 17 to 25, 2012. World Junior Wushu Championships provides an excellent opportunity for junior athletes to compete on the world stage.

Victoria has trained with Master Alice Dong since 2009 and has achieved top scores for both Long Fist (8.6) and Broadsword (8.2) in the 2012 Kung fu Wushu Australia National Junior Wushu Team Selection Trials recently held in Western Australia. Well done Victoria!

2012 Oceania Kung Fu/Wushu Championships

Posted on: 16/08/2012

The 2012 Oceania Wushu/Kung Fu Championships have been confirmed for Sunday 02/09/2012 at Ryde Community and Sports Centre.

It is open to AKWF/KWNSW members, Oceania Wushu Federation members and also to non-members. All details (Rules and Regulations, as well as Entry Forms) regarding the Championships can be found in the AKWF website:

Please pass on the information to friends who may be interested in competing.

Entry forms and fees must be received no later than Monday, 6 August 2012. If you have any queries, feel free to contact Alice Dong on 0414281098 or at